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Waitara Marine Park concept design

Status: Closed.

Feedback closed: 5pm on 17 November 2021.

Marine Park is a much-loved coastal area where people have come together, fished and experienced the coast and river for generations. NPDC and Te Kōwhatu tū Moana Trust have been talking with Waitara residents and hapū about an updated design of Marine Park that will freshen it up and enhance the park for locals and visitors.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us get to this stage!

Waitara marine park

NPDC and the Trust would also like to acknowledge the time and expertise provided by Manukorihi and Otaraua hapū in the development of the plans and narratives.

Below are a document with the proposed concept design and a 3D flyover. Please have a look at these and let us know what you think – you can share your comments by either:

  • clicking on the feedback link
  • posting your comments to NPDC, Private Bag 2025, New Plymouth 4340
  • or dropping off your written submission at the Waitara Library and Service Centre, or the Civic Centre on Liardet Street, New Plymouth.

This feedback  is sought under s.41(5) of the Reserves Act 1977 as part of the Waitara Parks and Reserves Co-Management Plan, and will help us finalise the design for one of New Plymouth District’s great coastal parks.