Come along and learn from Sam Rowlands, NPDC’s Sustainable Design Advisor. Sam will be sharing knowledge to support renovation projects to achieve year-round comfort & health. Providing pathways to a renovation which is energy efficient and affordable to run into the future.
The session will begin with why sustainable renovations are important and how to set your project up for success in the pre-design stage. Followed by key features and benefits of practical solutions which you can include in your planned renovation. Key features covered may include Airtightness, Wall insulation, Warm roofs, Ventilation, Glazing, Heating, Efficient Hot water, Summer Shading.
Thursday 14 November, 5.30pm – 7.30pm – Escape Coffee Roasters – 15 Liardet Street New Plymouth Central
Whether you are building a new home, renovating an existing home, retrofitting an existing home, or trying to do what you can in a rental property, we've got your back!
If you would like to make an appointment to discuss please call the Contact Centre on 06 759 6060 or fill in the online form.
We are in the era of the indoor generation, now spending 90 per cent of our life indoors. The indoor environment should be warm and dry to ensure it is a healthy environment for people to thrive. It is now well known that a damp cold house will increase occupants' likelihood to develop respiratory symptoms.
In New Zealand:
Better performing houses = a more comfortable and cosy home = improved respiratory health.
If your home is cold, has a moisture problem or mould, get in contact with our Sustainable Design Advisor.
Sam is our friendly Sustainable Design Advisor who comes from an architectural background, practising as an Architectural Building Designer, specialising in sustainable renovations and even passive house projects. He has a sound understanding of building science and can deliver it in a way that people can understand. Sam is one of six Eco Design Advisors situated within Councils around New Zealand. The award-winning service was established in 2006 and ensures there is free independent advice available to the public on how to improve the health and comfort of their homes. For more information visit the Eco Design Advisor website.
You may be eligible for funding for a heater, insulation or both under the Warmer Kiwi Homes programme. To find out more information on this programme visit EECA's website.
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Page last updated: 09:43am Wed 14 August 2024