Whiria te tangata kia kotahi ai ōna mana ōna whenua.
With land and people together, our city centre thrives for all.
Reference: S21-003
Status: Approved by the Council on 21 December 2021.
The Ngāmotu New Plymouth City Centre Strategy (the City Centre Strategy) sets the strategic direction for New Plymouth’s city centre over the next 30 years.
The city centre is facing challenges with changes in the way that people shop, do business and spend their leisure time. It’s time to revisit the focus of the city centre so there is a clear pathway to achieving our vision.
By 2050 it is envisaged that the city centre will be the place where people go for a range of experiences. It will be the thriving cultural, leisure and community hub for the district. It will deliver a diversity of retail, cultural and social experiences for the community to enjoy. There will be walkable neighbourhoods in and around the city centre with a greater mix of residential options for people to choose.
The presence of Ngāti Te Whiti and Te Atiawa will be visible, recognising the past, present and future. The city centre will have a strong economic base and will be the place where people want to live, work and play.
The vision is supported by five goals that seek to address the identified challenges and opportunities; five principles that are crucial to the future success of the city centre and will underpin how we do things; and five key moves (bold actions) that will set a strong pathway forward and bring about lasting change.
Vision statement - Drawing on our past and the land that has shaped who we are, our vision for the city centre weaves the values of people and place together. Our vision shapes the shared values that will foster the bringing together of people to live, work, play and thrive—for both those who call this place home and visitors.
The City Centre Strategy has five goals that seek to address the identified challenges, and provide clear outcomes. The goals are underpinned by five principles that are crucial to the future success of the city centre and will shape the way we work and achieve transformation.
This key move highlights the Huatoki Stream as one of the city centre’s most distinctive natural features. It seeks to restore and enhance the Huatoki Stream as a source of pride and uniqueness.
The state highway system provides good thoroughfare past the city centre to locations further afield, but separates the city centre from adjacent areas. This key move seeks to reconnect the city centre directly with the coast.
There are two significant green open spaces within a 5-10 minute walk of the city centre. This key move seeks to link them with the identity and experience of the city centre.
This key move seeks to increase living opportunities so the city centre and its surrounds become a choice for more people to call home. Liveable and walkable communities will make the city centre thrive.
This key move seeks to enhance the everyday experience within the city core for locals as well as those doing business by concentrating retail, hospitality and visitor destinations within a smaller core area.
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Page last updated: 08:53pm Mon 08 May 2023