Colson Road Landfill in New Plymouth closed on 30 October 2020. Since then, NPDC has worked with Ngāti Tawhirikura Hapu on a draft plan for the site’s future development and considered feedback from the wider public through the 2018 10-Year Plan about the type of activities they’d like to see provided for.
Status: Closed
Feedback closed: Friday 16 February 2024
About a third of the large 72ha site was a landfill with buried waste, and the site is within a community that is expected to have a growing residential population.
The draft plan is focused on supporting an arts/cultural and environmental hub, with proposals covering a variety of activities:
The full details are in the draft Colson 2050: Remediation Plan and Vision.
The draft Colson 2050: Remediation Plan and Vision has two parts. The first is a remediation plan that includes clean-fill, mowable turf areas, removal of the pine forest and enhancement of buffer vegetation. The second part is a 2050 vision and master plan for the site.
The proposals cover a variety of activities, including:
Yes it is, especially with the remediation plan we are proposing. There are some constraints to development that have to be taken into account as part of the draft Colson 2050: Remediation and Vision document. These include ongoing settling of the soil above the landfill sections, and not allowing any activities that could damage the clay cap.
In addition, some sensitive activities (such as food growing) or ignition sources (BBQs) aren’t suitable for the site.
Not at this stage as one of the proposals is for a bridle trail, and having dogs and horses on the same site is not a good mix. This is one of the questions that we want public feedback on.
Any developments led by NPDC would be considered through the draft Long-Term Plan. Groups that propose to use the space for future activities – for example any recreational groups, Te Kupenga Stone Sculpture Society and Ngāti Tawhirikura – would be required to fund their facilities on the site.
Yes, they have. The draft plan includes a buffer zone with vegetation to help mitigate any noise generated on the site
Transitioning the site into a public-use space will be phased over the coming years. If the plan is approved, the phasing would be:
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Page last updated: 11:55pm Fri 16 February 2024