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Labour Day public holiday

Over the Labour Day public holiday (Monday 28 October 2024) some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours. 

Find out more

Tackling our key challenges

A key goal of the Draft Integrated Transport Framework (ITF) is to ensure we’re making the right choices about the future needs of our district - think of it as keeping us on track over the coming decades.

Using our guiding principles and aligning key investment objectives, we’ve identified four broad challenges that we need tackle as a district.

These key challenges help us think about how we prioritise investments in the years to come, and what initiatives should consider implemented.

Improving public transport

Working towards public transport that is accessible, convenient and the preferred transport choice for many residents.

Reducing reliance on private cars

Decreasing our reliance on car as our primary mode of transport and increasing the role of walking, cycling and public transport.

Fixing a fragmented active travel network

Working towards safe and connected walking and cycling networks with active and healthy communities.

Adapting to urban development

Improve access to amenities (e.g. coast, school, services) along engaging and enjoyable transport corridors.