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Draft management plan for Paritūtū area

NPDC, Ngā Mahanga a Tairi and Ngāti Te Whiti have drafted a management plan for the wider Paritūtū reserve area to improve its environment, biodiversity and visitor experience.

Status: Closed
Feedback closed: Saturday 14 October 2023

The project partners want to reconnect the community and mana whenua with the reserve and also restore the whenua, which has a rich cultural history.

The proposals include:

  • Changing the reserve's name to Te Pukenga, ‘The rising water level of ponds due to rainfall’, to reconnect our community with the reserve’s history and the kaitiaki role of mana whenua.
  • Encouraging more bird nesting through a more considered approach for access to Paritūtū Rock during breeding season and developing walking paths away from sensitive areas.
  • Improving public safety by developing pathways away from the eroding cliff-edge.
  • Improving the wetlands and revegetating the park with native plants.
  • Exploring ways to return ownership of Paritūtū to mana whenua.

Please have a read through our draft management plan and send in your feedback.

Read the full draft plan

Send in your feedback