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Community planting day launches NPDC wetland project

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A restoration project led by NPDC and Ngāti Tawhirikura hapū kicks off at Fitzroy’s Peringa Park this weekend with a community planting day.


The project involves fencing and planting 2.5ha of wetland and semi-coastal forest over the next three years, followed by ongoing control of pest animals and weeds.


About 6,000 native plants will be planted at the event on Sunday and everyone is welcome to take part.


NPDC Planning Manager Juliet Johnson says the project is another step toward increasing the district’s native plant cover from 8.9 per cent to 10 per cent in urban areas, as part of NPDC’s Planting Our Place programme.


“There are huge positives from this project,” says Juliet.


“Building up and enhancing our native bush reserves will increase protected habitat for biodiversity while increasing connectivity between sites and food sources for native insects, lizards and birds.


“But on top of that, NPDC and Ngāti Tawhirikura will be involving the community in this mahi – capturing carbon, restoring habitat for biodiversity and further improving water quality, which is great for the health of the lake and its users.”


This weekend’s planting will plant-out 0.85ha of land and wetlands alongside a stream leading to Lake Rotomanu. Stage two will involve further wetland enhancement and forest restoration.


New Plymouth district already leads the country in green cover with almost 9 per cent of our urban area in native trees. Pushing it above 10 per cent will help meet emissions targets as part of our Climate Action Framework and show our Sustainable Lifestyle Capital is leading the country in creating a greener future.

Join the planting day

When: 10am. Sunday, 23 July. Rain or shine. 
Where: Meet at end of Weka Street, Fitzroy.
Bring: A spade and water, and wear closed-in shoes.



  • NPDC’s Planting Our Place programme was one of the big calls in our 10-Year Plan (2021-2031) and aims to add 34ha of urban forest across the district over 20 years.