Feedback sought on Proposed District Plan submissions

Local News

NPDC is asking for further submissions on its Proposed District Plan, the document that will guide the next decade of growth and development in the district.  

NPDC received about 580 submissions, covering almost 8,000 submission points, when it opened the proposed plan to public feedback from September to November last year. 

The second consultation period runs from 12 to 25 August. A further submission can only support or oppose an original submission and cannot introduce new matters. People able to make further submissions must be representing a public interest or have an interest in a submission greater than the general public, such as someone who has a submission that affects their property.

“We got a huge amount of interest in the plan, which encourages a more compact and walkable city, more diversity in our housing and highlights the likely impacts of climate change. It takes a focused approach to our natural and built heritage with a particular emphasis on acknowledging the special role of Māori,” said NPDC Group Manager Strategy Liam Hodgetts.

“It’s a big deal when the community gets the opportunity to shape a plan that influences so much of their daily lives and the environment that surrounds them.” 

NPDC is the first council in New Zealand to notify a digital plan under the new National Planning Standards, using interactive online maps that help you navigate by property. All you have to do is go to the NPDC website, search by a property address and have a browse.

Find out more about the Proposed District Plan and further submissions.