Local Water Done Well (LWDW) ,is a programme of reforms introduced by the Government in February 2024 that replaced what was known as Three Waters Reform.
The main changes from the previous approach are: ater
- The Three Waters Reform has been repealed, and the co-governed water service entity model scrapped.
- Council ownership and control restored.
- Strict rules for water quality and investment in infrastructure have been set.
- Ensure water services are financially sustainable.
The Water Services Preliminary Arrangements Bill (Bill 2) lays out the foundations for the next stage of water reform:
- Councils must develop and submit Water Services Delivery Plans (WSDPs) within 12 months of the bill’s passing.
- Basic "economic regulation" through information disclosure requirements.
- Enabling councils to design the structure, delivery method and funding and financing arrangements for their water services.
- Councils are expected to submit a one-off WSDP in mid-2025, which needs include a plan demonstrating how it would achieve financial sustainability by 1 July 2028.
New Plymouth District Council is working with Stratford and South Taranaki district councils to investigate options for water services delivery in the Taranaki region.
What’s happening now
- Bill 2 is currently sitting with the Committee of Whole House before the Third Reading and Royal Assent. Read NPDC’s submission.
- Bill 3 is expected to arrive in late 2024 to cover a framework for economic regulation and the more detailed powers and duties of the water CCOs
Keep an eye on this page for updates and the reforms progress.