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Heavy rainfall causes overflow

Our Work
  • High rainfall over the last few days has caused Inglewood’s oxidation pond to overflow into the Kurapete Stream. This is a consented activity.
  • The discharge started at 11.14am and is ongoing.
  • Our team is monitoring the quality of the discharge.
  • This activity has the potential to affect public health so warning signs have been put up at the Everett Park entrance and by the main swimming hole.
  • The signs will be in place for 48 hours after the discharge stops.
  • We’re sorry this has occurred, and we’ve been in touch with iwi and hapū, Taranaki Regional Council, the Taranaki District Health Board and other recreational users.
  • Keep up with the latest information on the Can I Swim page on our website.
  • We are investing $248m over 10 years to fix the district’s plumbing.