Temporary Road Closure Notice - Devon Street East from the Gover Street Intersection to 172 Devon Street East, 8 December, 8.00 to 4.00pm
Tree Removal
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Devon Street East from the Gover Street Intersection to 172 Devon Street East be closed to all traffic from 8.00am to 4.00pm, Sunday 8 December (weather permitting).
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to Grant Morrison of Central Traffic Services on 027 226 6981
Temporary Road Closure Notice - Carrington Street Lower, 5 to 7 December, 6.00am to 7.00pm
Chip Sealing
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Carrington Street between Courtenay Street and Pendarves Street be closed to all traffic from 6.00am to 7.00pm, Thursday 5 December to Saturday 7 December (weather permitting).
Stop / Go traffic control will be in operation outside 55 Carrington Street. During this time Victoria Road between Gilbert Street and Carrington Street will be temporarily closed with access by residents only.
Access to the Carrington/Vivian leased car bays will be via Courtenay Street
Resident access will be maintained.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to James Avey of Downer on 021 815 391
Temporary Road Closure Notice - Tiromoana Crescent, 5 December, 7.00am to 5.00pm
Replacing Service Lateral
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Tiromoana Crescent be closed to all traffic from 7.00am to 5.00pm, Thursday 5 December (weather permitting).
Resident access will be maintained.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to Sam Jiggins of Trafficr Ltd on 027 231 5295
Temporary Road Closure - Beach / Barriball / Mclean Streets, 4 to 7 December, 6.00am to 7.00pm
Chip Sealing
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Beach Street be closed to all traffic from 6.00am to 7.00pm, Wednesday 4 December to Saturday 7 December (weather permitting).
The works will be completed in three stages;
Stage One – Closure of Barriball Street and Beach Street
Stage Two – Closure of Barriball Street and Beach Street – including a Stop / Go at the Sackville / Barriball Street intersection and Beach and Mclean Street intersection.
Stage Three – Closure of Mclean Street, Beach Street and Barriball Street.
Detours will be signposted.
Resident access will be maintained.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to James Avey of Downer on 021 815 391
Temporary Road Closure Notice - Mangorei Road between Union Street and Cumberland Street, 3 & 4 December, 7.00 to 7.00pm
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Mangorei Road, from Union Street to Cumberland Street, be closed to all northbound traffic from 7.00am to 7.00pm, Tuesday 3 December & Wednesday 4 December (weather permitting).
Residents are requested to follow the southbound traffic flow when entering and exiting their residence.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to James Avey of Downer on 021 815 391
Temporary Road Closure Notice - Autawa Road Tarata, 2 December to 4 December, 8.00am to 4.00pm
Installation of new conductor wires
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Autawa Road, Tarata be closed to all traffic between 8.00am to 4.00pm, Monday 2 December to Wednesday 4 December (weather permitting).
No detour is available.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to Phil Webby of Downer Utilities on 027 430 1869
TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE: Lemon Street and Cameron Street, 26 November to 9 December, 7.00pm and 6.00am
Night Works - Asphalt Concreting Works on SH3
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that sections of Cameron Street and Lemon Street be closed to all traffic as a result of roadworks on Eliot Street SH3 as per the following dates and times (weather permitting).
In the event of unsuitable weather, work will be postponed to the next available night as the work is highly weather dependent.
Alternative routes will be available throughout the works and road users are asked to plan their journey prior to departure.
Resident access will be maintained.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to Jason Southey of Downer on 021 243 8405
Temporary Road Closure Notice - Onaero River Road, 14 October to 20 December, 6.00am to 6.00pm
Rehabilitation Works on State Highway
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Onaero River Road, Onaero be closed to all traffic 24/7 from Monday 14 October to Friday 20 December (weather permitting).
When work is in progress there will be a stop / go on the State Highway and detour will be sign posted.
Resident access will be available.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to Iain Gammage of Downer on 027 839 9517
Temporary Road Closure Notice - Brooklands Road between Victoria Road and Kaimata Street, 16 January 2025, 8.30am to midnight
Timeless Summer Concert
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Brooklands Road between Victoria Road and Kaimata Street be closed to all traffic from 8.30am to midnight, Thursday 16 January (weather permitting).
Gates will open at 4.30pm with the concert finishing approximately 10 – 10.30pm.
Detours will be in place with marshals stationed at the closure points at all times.
Resident access will be maintained.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to Holly Walden of Traffic Management Planning and Consulting Ltd on 027 647 7749
Temporary Road Closure Notice - 6 January to 14 February 2025, 24/7, Pilot Road Tongaporutu
Road Rehabilitation
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Pilot Road, Tongaporutu be closed to all traffic 24/7 while works are active, between Monday 6 January 2025 and Friday 14 February 2025 (weather permitting).
Resident access will be maintained.
The road will reopen without further notice.
All enquiries to 0800 4 HIGHWAYS
Temporary Road Closure Notice - Brooklands Road between Victoria Road and Kaimata Street, 29 December, 8.30am to midnight
Rock the Bowl Concert
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Brooklands Road between Victoria Road and Kaimata Street be closed to all traffic from 8.30am to midnight, Sunday 29 December (weather permitting).
Gates will open at 4.30pm with the concert finishing approximately 10 – 10.30pm.
Detours will be in place with marshals stationed at the closure points at all times.
Resident access will be maintained.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to Holly Walden of Traffic Management Planning and Consulting Ltd on 027 647 7749
Temporary Road Closure - Kohete Road Kaimata, 10 December to 24 January, 7.00am to 7.00pm
Pole Maintenance
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Kohete Road, Kaimata will be closed from 7.00am to 7.00pm on the following dates (weather permitting).
Resident access will be maintained.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to Adam Robert Mills of North Power Ltd on 027 452 3317 or Badinlee Munro-Smith of Traffic Safe NZ Ltd on 021 243 3937
Temporary Road Closure Notice: Tarata Road, 29 October to 31 January, Various Times
Road realignment on the Purangi Saddle
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Tarata Road be closed to all traffic from Tuesday 29 October 2024 to Friday 20 December 2024.
Work will recommence Monday 6 January 2025 to Friday 31 January 2025.
When work is in progress as per above dates the road will be closed Monday to Friday at the below times: (weather permitting).
Monday-Friday Road Status
9am to noon................... CLOSED
Noon to 12.30pm........... OPEN
12.30pm to 4.00pm......... CLOSED
4pm to 4.30pm............... OPEN
4.30pm to 6.00pm........... CLOSED
6.00pm to 9.00am.......... OPEN
When Open road is available on above times, it will be run under a Stop/Go. When unattended, road will be open or run under traffic lights.
No detour is available.
The road will reopen without further notice.
Enquiries shall be directed to Mike Janes of NPDC on 027 284 8137
Page last updated: 10:59am Mon 03 July 2023