

Take the work out of commuting and relax on the bus.

Bussing is not only relaxing, but also an experience. You get to meet people who live in your community, see what's happening in your neighbourhood and enjoy the scenery. You can make your bus trip more active by walking to the next stop, or how about walking to work or school and bussing home? 

For those who perhaps live rural or work outside the district, ridesharing could be the best option for you to reduce your impact on the environment, save some dollars and get to meet people in your community.

People riding on a bus.
Transit app promo tile.

New Plymouth bus service

There is a regular schedule of buses servicing most areas of New Plymouth.

Bus services are provided by the Taranaki Regional Council. Check out the routes and closest stop to your home or destination or download the Transit app from the App Store or Google Play.

Bus shelters are serviced by NPDC. Report damage here.