Resource Wise Business Programme

See how reducing waste to landfill can benefit your business. 

Resource Wise Business Programme

The Resource Wise Business Programme (RWB) is a free behaviour change programme designed to help businesses reduce waste to landfill over a four year period. We work together to help improve how your business manages resources. 

The RWB Programme has the benefit of annual waste audits and a detailed waste report, tailored actions for your organisation and support to engage your team in behaviour change. Participants also receive an achievement level to promote their waste reduction performance.  

For more information about the programme please see the brochure below.

Resource Wise Business Programme brochure

Further information and how to apply


Resource Wise Programme Case Studies

Resource Wise Business Case Study – Carefirst Medical Centre

Carefirst Medical Centre

Resource Wise Business Case Study – Juno Gin/BeGin Distillery

Juno Gin/BeGin Distillery

Resource Wise Business Case Study – Todd Energy

Todd Energy