Anzac Day opening hours

12:00AM 25 Apr 2024

Over the Anzac Day public holiday (Thursday 25 April 2024) some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours.

Find out more


There is a variety of parking options in New Plymouth's CBD, from on-street to off-street and leased parking spaces.

Ways to pay

The easy-to-use PayMyPark app lets you pay for parking via your smartphone. You can extend your parking time remotely, receive an alert when your paid parking is about to expire, or use the start/stop function and pay for only the parking minutes that are used.

You can also pay for your parking space at any parking machine using coins or credit card. Just make sure you have the right number and you're aware of the time limits on your space.

10 minute courtesy period

The parking meters have an in-built 10 minute courtesy period for you to arrange your payment for parking. If you’re going to be less than 10 minutes then by all means duck in and out free of charge – just be sure to return before the 10 minutes are up!